About us

Simon Joseph

Simon has 20+ years of experience in the technology marketing space. He co-founded three software websites before elinking, including one of the top consumer real estate websites. Henry is passionate about building a product and business to service a gap in the market. He holds a Master’s degree from Stanford University and a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University.

A database that records every kind of game accessible globally is elinking, one of the most comprehensive databases online. We have prepared a thorough list of resources for you to help you expand your gaming horizons by providing you with information on a wide range of game genres so that you may continue your study in one convenient location.

Our Team

Garry John

Hey, I’m the SEO department head here. The goal of my work is to keep our website at the top of search engines.
It has been one of the best experiences of my life to work at thehackneypearl.com.

Michael Bishop

Michael is driven by learning and claims to be a lifelong student. He enjoys facing and overcoming challenges and is always on the lookout for opportunities that help him grow as a person. He holds a Bachelor of Technology degree in Electrical Engineering from Standford University and likes to work on machine learning.

Individuals of all ages, we think, may benefit from playing games since they are the most efficient means of altering and improving cognitive processes. It is possible that learning how to play games successfully can amaze and excite your intellect and provide you with a feeling of achievement. Because of this, we will continue to provide great and fascinating game ideas on the site, as well as detailed explanations for each of these concepts.

Due to our desire to assist you in thinking outside of the box, we are making strides in the development of new ideas and solutions for well-designed games that will improve your memory, decision-making skills, and other abilities, among other things. Please remember the goal of thehackneypearl.com and the constant introduction of new technologies, and the necessity to guarantee that these innovations are compatible with various platforms such as mobile phones, laptops, and other devices while making your decisions.

We also think that games are the most efficient method of educating children while also assisting them in developing their mental talents and reasoning skills. As a result, intelligent individuals need a great lot of help. In our professional capacity as educators, we are fully aware that classroom games hold the attention of a significant proportion of pupils. 

When it comes to classroom games, our team goes above and beyond to provide you with games that help bring the classroom setting to life and assist you in providing your kids with a “learning with a fun experience.” Our games are created to assist students in their studies while also having a good time.

Therefore, please supply us with your email address as soon as possible to keep you informed about new and innovative games! Thanks!