Troubleshooting Vortex Mods: Resolving The ‘Cannot Be Deployed

Vortex is the new modern mod manager from the Nexus Mods which is quite similar to the other mod managers in terms of allowing the users to find, download, install, and manage the various mods easily vortex mods cannot be deployed.

It provides great control for the experienced users of the modding scene. Though the vortex has been gaining popularity some of the users have been encountering an issue when they are trying to deploy and therefore the vortex mods cannot be deployed. This error might come up while trying to change the mod settings or setting up Vortex for the very first time.  

What Is Vortex Mod Manager?

A new, modern mod manager from the Nexus mods, Vortex is developed to make modding of the game easier and simple for both the new and experienced users. It provides enough control to the user and is led by Tannin.

Vortex has the feature of taking lessons during the development of MO and provides the most powerful and intuitive experience possible.


The main approach behind Vortex is to take the complex tasks and sort them out in terms of load order to manage all the mod files on the device easily as this helps to achieve a stable modded game. Many features in Vortex make it one of the most favorable mod managers of recent times like-

1. Multi-game support– Vortex can support as many as 65 different games from every different company which makes it very versatile.

2. A close integration with Nexus– It is designed to interact with Nexus smoothly allowing the user to find, download, install, and play mods even from the website very efficiently and easily.

3. Audio– The built-in audio sorting system helps in managing the load on the device and helps in resolving the conflicts with powerful, plug-in management features.

Where Does Vortex Store Mods?

The staging folder of the mod in the settings does not do anything when it comes to the downloaded archives and thus it sometimes becomes difficult for the user to find out the location of the mods that have been downloaded.

  • To reproduce the folder and the behavior some of the steps that can be followed are-
  • Set a custom folder in the settings and then in the Mod Staging folder.
  • Download the preferred mod
  • The data will be downloaded in the %appdata%.

Why Does The Vortex Deployment Fail?

Many users are facing an issue with the deployment in the vortex and thus they have been putting up questions like “Why did vortex deployment fail?”.

The reasons can be many including that the corrupt JSON deployment file or the installation of the WinRar application is corrupt. The presence of any games and mod folders on the different drives may also cause an error. The user who is affected may also face a system crash and sometimes it is not even limited to a single game.

The users might also face the issue while changing the settings of mods.

What Is The Vortex No Deployment Method?

Some of the users have also complained that even though all of their paths in the device are set up correctly whenever they go under the deployment method a message is displayed that says “no deployment method available” and the fix button does not resolve the issue.


To resolve this the user should make sure that the mods and the game are in the same partition otherwise this problem can come up very frequently.

How Do You Deploy A Vortex Mod?

If the user is facing the issue and the vortex mods cannot be deployed then they can follow some of the solutions that are mentioned below and get out of the trouble-

1. Moving the mod folder to the drive

To make use of the vortex properly, the user needs to make sure that the mod folder is in the same drive where the game has been installed. The mod folder may be in another drive if the issue comes up. Try to move the mod folder to the game drive and to do this follow the steps mentioned below-

  • Open the file explorer and create a new folder in which the game is to be installed.
  • Launch the mod manager and click on settings.
  • Under the MODS tab, change the base path to the new folder that has been created.

After doing all of this, all the mods will be moved to the newly created folder and the deployment issue might be resolved.

2. Deleting the JSON file and trying

The JavaScript Object Notion file is one of the most important files for the functioning of the vortex and it might be possible that it failed to deploy vortex if it is corrupted or runs into different problems. In case of this issue, the user might need to delete the file by

  • Closing the game and vortex and going to the task manager to end all of the related processes.
  • Go to the installation folder and open the data folder to find the file.
  • Backing up the file to another location and then deleting it.

3. Reinstalling WinRAR

WinRAR is a compression utility that helps to unzip the contents of the Vortex and has been proven to cause the appearance of the Vortex mods deployment issue. The main reason behind it is if the installation is corrupted which can be rid of after reinstalling the application.

After the program is uninstalled, the latest version of WinRAR can be installed from the official website, and then the deployed mods can be checked again.

4. Update Vortex

Some of the users have encountered the problem after they have updated the vortex and in such cases, they may try to roll back to the previous version. The older version can be downloaded. On the contrary, in some cases, an update might have to be done for the issue to go away.

Some of the users have also asked the question “How do I fix conflicting mods in my vortex?” which can also be done using the above solutions.

How Do I Manually Add Games To My Vortex?

To add a new game to Vortex manually, the user needs to go to the Games section from, the side menu and they will have three different tabs.

If the installed game does not appear in the Discovered tabs then the attempts can be made by running a quick scan and once the game appears click on manage. The vortex will switch itself automatically to game mode.

Is Vortex Or NMM Better?

Some of the users have said that the vortex had a learning curve when they switched from NMM but on the whole, it is a better development and the loot built helps in managing the load and the plugin tabs have very useful information. Understanding NMM was a very tedious task whereas the interface of Vortex is simpler.

Thus, the vortex mod manager from Nexus is a great development, and the issues that are coming up can easily be resolved through the above-mentioned steps. Vortex makes it easier for the user whenever they face the issue of vortex mods cannot be deployed.

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